Friday, April 1, 2011

The 1,2,3's of Hair Growth

My mother told me that I should make the basics of hair health easy. So I thought what's easier than learning your abc's and 123's. First the 123's:

There are 1, 2, 3 stages of hair growth:

1) The Anagen phase is known as the period of active growth. It can last up to eight years, this is determined by genetics. The longer the hair stays in the anagen phase, the faster and longer it will grow. About 85% of the hairs on one's head are in the anagen phase at a given time.

2) The Catagen phase determines when the anagen phase ends and the catagen phase begins. The catagen phase, also known as the transitional phase, allows the follicle to, in a sense, renew itself as it prepares for the resting phase. During this time, which lasts about two weeks, the hair follicle shrinks due to disintegration and the papilla detaches and "rests", cutting the hair strand off from its nourishing blood supply.

3) The Telogen, or resting, phase causes the hair and follicle to remain dormant anywhere from 1–4 months. Ten to fifteen percent of the hairs on one's head are in this phase of growth in any given time. The anagen phase begins again once the telogen phase is complete. The preceding hair strand is pushed up and out by the new, growing strand. The process causes the normal hair loss known as shedding. Hair follicles are programmed to stop producing hair and spend more time in the resting stage with the progression of age.

Although the anagen or hair growth phase is determined by genetics there are ways to increase the growth phase of your hair.

Nutritional supplements:

Biotin (B7) is one of the B-complex vitamins known for promoting cell growth. It is very good for hair and nails, strengthening and thickening the hair shaft to prevent thinning hair and encourage elasticity. Other B vitamins such as folic acid (B9) and pantothenic acid (B5) are also effective in encouraging hair growth. Biotin can be found in cashews, almonds and peanuts, oats, lentils, brown rice and brewers yeast.

Methylsulfonylmethane or MSM is sulfur found in foods such as broccoli, cabbage, dairy, grains and meat. This vitamin extends the anagen cycle, allowing your hair to grow for a longer period before the resting and shedding phases. Cooking food will deplete the potency of MSM; a vitamin supplement may be more effective.

Vitamin C deficiency can result in scurvy and hair loss, so make sure you are getting adequate doses in your diet. This vitamin assists in the formation of collagen, a central component in the formation and elasticity of tissue and skin. Citrus fruits, spinach, tomatoes, red and green bell peppers and red berries are just some of the foods that contain vitamin C. It can also be taken as a supplement and helps with the absorption of Iron.

Vitamin E
This vitamin is an antioxidant, making it effective in slowing down the aging process. It also assists in keeping your scalp healthy by encouraging blood circulation. Although its better to take the capsule orally, a scalp massage with vitamin E oil can enhance its beneficial qualities. You can find vitamin E in foods such as pistachio nuts, mangos, almonds, kiwi fruit and wheat germ oil.

Flaxseed Primrose and Fish Oil
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for healthy skin, nails and hair, adding moisture to scalp and stimulating hair growth. Dry hair can be an indication of a deficiency of these essential fatty acids which can lead to breakage, split ends and unmanageability. Food like salmon, walnuts, collard greens and kale are all rich in omega-3s.

Beta Carotene
Beta carotene is found in carrots and an assortment of green and yellow fruits and vegetables. It converts into vitamin A and is released in the body when needed. It promotes hair growth, bone formation and provides a protective covering for nerve fibers.

-Drink lots of water to flush out your system and keep it clean.
-Stop eating junk food to promote faster hair growth
-Massage your scalp to stimulate blood flow
-Cut off dead ends and get a trim every 6 weeks to avoid breakage and get rid of damaged hair
-Avoid commercial shampoos and heated tools on your hair which slow the hair growth process as well

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