Thursday, July 22, 2010

Vitamin "A" What It Does For Your Hair

Vitamin A is important for over-all good health. It's also beneficial to hair follicles, as it keeps the hair root lubricated. Vitamin A is found in red, yellow, and orange vegetables, green leafy vegetables, liver, and eggs.

Be careful with vitamin A. Your body doesn't break this one down like it does the B vitamins. Vitamin A can build up in your body to dangerous levels, so don't take more than you need.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Types of Hair Loss

Alopecia ("al-oh-pee-sha") is hair loss or thinning hair. Androgenetic alopecia accounts for over 90% of the hair loss cases. For women this type of hair loss occurs when there is a thinning of hair over a broad region of the scalp. This type of hair loss is genetic or passed down from either parent. The genetic tendency towards this type of hair loss can be interrupted to avoid certain hair loss.

Traction Alopecia can occur from tight braids, or traumatized follicles and is usually temporary, but can be permanent if the follicles are repeatedly subjected to trauma.

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune condition in which the body considers the hair follicles as invaders and therefore expels them. Hair is loss in circular clumps. If the hair loss covers the entire scalp then it is called alopecia totalis.

Telogen effluvium is hair loss that results from severe stress. The hair follicle is not damaged so this type is temporary.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Best Vitamins For Your Hair

The best vitamins for hair growth are the B vitamins. These are usually found in whole grains, fresh fruit, brewer's yeast, eggs, fish, turkey, meat, and milk. These vitamins are water-soluble, which means they do not build up in your body.

•Para-aminobenzoic acid may prevent your hair from graying, and can be found in the following foods:
Brewer's yeast
Whole grains

•Inositol is vital for hair growth. There are many foods that contain inositol including, dried beans, calves' liver, cantaloupe, citrus fruits (except lemons), garbanzo beans (chickpeas), lecithin granules, lentils, nuts, oats, pork, rice, veal, and whole grain products beef brains, heart, peanuts, whole wheat, cabbage, cantaloupe, rasins.